Past Local Public Events
of the RASC St. John's Centre









Admiralty House Star B-Q
September 21, 2018

"Admiralty House Star B-Q, September 21, 2018"
Setting up for the evening's viewing
Over 100 people got views through the scopes
(Photo - Dave Newbury)


"Admiralty House Star B-Q, September 21, 2018"
Chris setting up his 18" DOB telescope
(Photo - Dave Newbury)


"Admiralty House Star B-Q, September 21, 2018"
The line up to see Saturn through the 18" Scope
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Admiralty House Star B-Q, September 21, 2018"
Garry showing visitors views of the Moon
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Space Carnival"
Astronomy Night at the GeoCentre
September 20, 2018

"Space Carnival - Astronomy Night at the Johnson Geo Centre, September 20, 2018"
Emily McCullough explains how telescopes work, fielded questions on astronomy
and handed out RASC promotional material. Unfortunately, the weather
did not co-operate for outdoor astronomy viewing

The RASC St. John's Centre participated in this GeoCentre sponsored fundraising event
in support of Bethany Downer (Newfoundland's First Astronaut Candidate)
(Photo - Garry Dymond)


Science Literacy Week
September 16, 2018

"Science Literacy Week at the Avalon Mall, September 16, 2018"
Randy Dodge answering Astronomy questions at our RASC St. John's Centre's booth
Also manning the table were Robert Babb, Dave Newbury and Craig Peterman
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


National Star Party
September 15, 2018

"RASC St. John's Centre National Star Party September 15, 2018"
at Parks Canada Interpretation Centre, Signal Hill
"Early setup with Mars overhead
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"RASC St. John's Centre National Star Party September 15, 2018"
at Parks Canada Interpretation Centre, Signal Hill
"The Crowds Quickly Gathered, some 200 estimated by Evening's End
(Unfortunately, because of the wind, we had to move close to the building
and contend with lighting which could not be turned off)
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"RASC St. John's Centre National Star Party September 15, 2018"
at Parks Canada Interpretation Centre, Signal Hill
"Lining up to see Mars, Saturn, the Moon and Jupiter
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"RASC St. John's Centre National Star Party September 15, 2018"
at Parks Canada Interpretation Centre, Signal Hill
"There were still lineups at the end of the evening"

(Photo - Randy Dodge)



Butter Pot Star Party
August 17th and 18th 2018

"Butter Pot Star Party August 2018"
Dave Newbury gave a talk on an "Introduction to Deep Sky Astrophotography
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Butter Pot Star Party August 2018"
Slide from Dave's "Introduction to Deep Sky Astrophotography" talk.

(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Butter Pot Star Party August 2018"
Although, the weather did not allow for astronomical viewing, we did manage to
get in a couple of presentions and a nice BBQ, on Saturday evening.

(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Butter Pot Star Party August 2018"
Chef Chris did a great job at the BBQ.

(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Butter Pot Star Party August 2018"
Garry Dymond gave a short presentation on "Astronomy with Binoculars".

(Photo - Randy Dodge)


Terra Nova National Park "Night Sky Celebration"
August 10th and 11th 2018

"Terra Nova National Park August 2018"
Night Sky Celebration
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park August 2018"
RASC Dark Sky Designation
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park August 2018"
Dave Saunders (TNNP's Interpretation Program Co-ordinator) kicks off
this year's "Night Sky Celebration Event
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park August 2018 Night Sky Celebration".
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park August 2018 Night Sky Celebration".
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park August 2018 Night Sky Celebration".
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
Chris explains the Milky Way to some visitors.

(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"Star Finders and Moon Guides"
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"Cynthia & Mike manning the Crafts Table"

(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"Of Course Spray-On Tattos are Always Popular"
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"Tattos for the Adults was Popular as Well"
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"Solar Viewing at the Visitor's Centre Saturday Afternoon"
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"Mike & Cynthia with their Coronado Solar Telescope"
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"Dave Saunders checking out Garry's Lunt Solar Scope"
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"Randy's Lunt Solar Scope"
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"Park Employees using their new Solar Telescope"
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"The Children's Craft Area"
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"The Solar System Walk"

(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)



"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"The Solar System Walk Begins"

(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"Over 200 people got to view the Planets and Deep Sky objects at Sandy Pond"
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Terra Nova National Park Night Sky Celebration August 2018"
"Wonderful photo of the Milky Way with Mars shining brightly in the lower left."
(Photo - Andrea Peddle)


Bannerman Park Folk Festival
August 4th and 5th 2018

"Bannerman Park Folk Festival, August 4th and 5th 2018"
The RASC St. John's Centre partnered with Parks Canada for a very successful event, informing the public about
Dark Skies, Light Abatement and Light Pollution, as well as explaining the various aspects of Astronomy
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"Bannerman Park Folk Festival, August 4th and 5th 2018"
Mike explains the operation of his PST Solar Telescope, offering filtered views of the Sun

(Photo - Robert Babb)


"Bannerman Park Folk Festival, August 4th and 5th 2018"
Emily explains astronomy to some young visitors.
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"Bannerman Park Folk Festival, August 4th and 5th 2018"
A view showing a nice refractor telescope, and a home made 14" DOB telescope in the background
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"Bannerman Park Folk Festival, August 4th and 5th 2018"
Richard shows views of the Sun through a specially filtered Solar Telescope

(Photo - Robert Babb)


"Bannerman Park Folk Festival, August 4th and 5th 2018"
Emily explains solar viewing of the Sun using a specially filtered telescope.

(Photo - Robert Babb)


Mars Day
July 31st 2018

"Mars Day at the Geo Centre, July 31st 2018"
There were long lineups throughout the evening, as close to a thousand visitors got views of Mars making
it's closest approach since 2003. There were also great views of Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.
Even the Moon made a brief appearence through the eastern cloud cover.

(Photo - Andre Peddle)


"Mars Day at the Geo Centre"
Inside, RASC member Emily McCullough explains how a DOB telescope works, to some young visitors.

(Photo - Craig Peterman).


"Mars Day at the Geo Centre"
During the afternoon, RASC member Mike Morrow shows a young visitor
features on the Sun, through a specially filtered solar telescope .

(Photo - Craig Peterman).


"Mars Day at the Geo Centre"
More visitors getting views of the Sun through a specially filtered solar telescope.

(Photo - Craig Peterman).


Signal Hill National Historic Sites Day
July 7th 2018

"Signal Hill National Historic Sites Day"
Throughout the afternoon, about 80 visitors got a chance
to view the Sun through specially filtered solar telescopes.

(Photo - Craig Peterman).


Robert talks with Dave Taylor, of Parks Canada.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Mike shows a visitor solar prominences on the Sun.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Another visitor checks out the solar prominences.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Richard shows some Park Employees views of the Sun through specially filtered glasses.
And yes, it was very windy.

(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Visitors checking out the Sun through Mike's Solar telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Emily shows how the Sun looks through a simple natural light solar filter.
Over 99.9% of the light has been filtered out, to allow surface details to be seen.

(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Richard offers views of prominences on the Sun.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Some young visitors check out views of the Sun through Robert's solar telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


A young visitor looks at prominences on the Sun, through Mike's solar telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

Salmonier Nature Park
June 22nd 2018

"Salmonier Nature Park"
Although the early part of the evening was marked by clouds/fog, it eventually cleared allowing about
50 visitors to get views of the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and even some deep sky objects.

(Photo - Craig Peterman).


Terra Nova National Park "Dark Sky Preserve Launch Event"
May 18th & 19th 2018

The Terra Nova National Park Dark Sky Preserve Launch Event.


Listening to speeches for the official launch of the Dark Sky Preserve.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Dave Saunders looks on as a young park visitor throws the switch to launch TNNP's Dark Sky Preserve.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


The rooms decorative stars glowed brightly after the room was plunged into darkness.
(Photo - Dave Newbury)


Afterswords there was astronomy themed cake and cookies for everyone.
(Photo - Dave Newbury)


The following day, at the TNNP Visitor's Centre, solar viewing and solar themed crafts were offered.
(Photo - Dave Newbury)


Some young visitors looking at the Sun through the PST telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


The RASC members manning the scopes at the TNNP Visitor's Centre.
(Photo - Jim Stacey)


Setting up the scopes to view Venus at Sandy Pond (a designated Dark Sky Preserve Area).
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Viewing Jupiter at Sandy Pond (a designated Dark Sky Preserve Area).
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


The Iris Nebula (NGC7023) in the constellation Cepheus.
An example of astrophotography done at Terra Nova National Park,
during the May 18th and 19th Dark Sky Preserve Launch event.

(Photo - Dave Newbury)


Markarian's Chain (a group of galaxies in the Virgo Cluster)
An example of astrophotography done under Terra Nova National Park's
pristine skies, during the May 18th and 19th Dark Sky Preserve Launch event. .

(Photo - Dave Newbury)


RASC 150th Anniversary
January 27, 2018

The 150th Anniversary celebration of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, streamed live by the
RASC St. John's Centre, at the Johnson Geo Centre, Signal Hill, was attended by over 150 visitors.

(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


Communicatiing with the other RASC Centres across Canada.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


The RASC St. John's Centre had handouts and scopes on display, in the Johnson Geo Centre lobby.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


The 150th Anniversary celebration of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada,
streamed live by the RASC St. John's Centre at the Johnson GeoCentre.

(Photo - Randy Dodge)


Dave and Craig talking to a visitor.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

Emily and Chris go wireless streaming our solar observing event to the rest of the country.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


Emily and Chris go wireless, streaming our solar observing event to the rest of the country.
A bit easier than when Marconi made his wireless transmission, a few hundred feet further up the hill.

(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


Solar viewing in front of the Geo Centre
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


Garry showing a visitor a view of the Sun.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


Some nice prominences were seen on the Sun. Taken with his Samsung 6 smartphone and solar scope.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)


Scopes are setup for viewing the Moon.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


Lunar observing in front of the Geo Centre
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


Chris and Emily streaming a view of the Moon, under crystal clear skies.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


A nice view of the Moon
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)



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