RASC - St. John's Centre
Members Photos


Images of comet C/1995 01 "Hale Bopp" taken from Flat Rock & St. John's, Newfoundland.
Photographed by Chris Stevenson 1997


This shot taken at FlatRock, Newfoundland in the wee hours of the morning at ~4am NST on March 8, 1997. Fuji 800 Super G colour print film, 35mm SLR +135mm lens, 180 second exp. at f/2.8
This is a 240 sec guided "barn door" exposure, made March 8, 1997, just after the telephoto picture above, with a 50mm lens at f/1.8 on Fuji Super G 800. Both the comet and the low surface-brightness North America nebula are captured in the same frame. Hale-Bopp's path largely along the Milky Way in the sky brings it near many "deep-sky" astrophotography targets, such as the heart of Cygnus as shown here.
On a whim, we went out to Flatrock March 27, 1997 under cloudy skies, and it cleared. Here Hale-Bopp is seen directly above the Andromeda Galaxy M31, caught in the glow low above the horizon. Fuji Super G 800 colour print, 50mm lens, 120s at f/1.8 with the "barn-door" tracker.
Picture taken March 28, 1997 at the ranger house at Butterpot Provincial Park, Newfoundland Canada at ~9pm NST (with the camera shielded against the glare of moving car headlights by M. Crawford of the RASC! The taillights can be seen reflected in the trees). Fuji 800 Super G colour print film, 35mm SLR + 50mm lens and 180 second exposure at f/1.8 on a "barn-door" tracker almost identical to that described in the Jan-Feb issue of SkyNews (published by the National Museum of Science & Technology)
Another exposure on the same night, March 28, 1997, with a 135mm lens and careful turning of the hand-crank on the "barn-door" tracker.



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