RASC - St. John's Centre
Members Photos


Image of comet 17P/Holmes taken from St. John's, Newfoundland.
Photographed by Tim Caruk 2007 10 27 & 2007 11 02


This early morning shot was taken at St. John's, Newfoundland on October 27, 2007.  If you look straight up you can see the comet near the brightest star in Persius.   Comet dust can be seen venting from the core of Comet Holmes.  The large sphere of dust has not yet formed a tail. A Celestron 8 was used with a Meade DSI camera and Registax software.  The image was made during a full moon on Oct 27 at 2am from St. John's.

Click on image to see original higher resolution version.


This shot was taken at St. John's, Newfoundland on November 2, 2007, with a C8 telescope and an OLympus digital camera. The comets coma and central core are visible. The solar wind is blowing back to deep space the comet dust as we look almost head on from Earth.

17P_Holmes: sum of 8 8-second exposures (~2:30am NST).
Click on image to see original higher resolution version.


Evidence of a tail can still be seen near the core of Holmes. The comet is now about the size of the sun but is a little fainter. I took this image on the morning of   November 15, 2007 using Canon digital XT camera and a Celestron 8 scope .

17P_Holmes: sum of 8 8-second exposures (~2:30am NST).
Click on image to see original higher resolution version.



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