RASC - St. John's Centre
Members Photos

Image of M42 "Orion Nebula"
Photographed by Chris Stevenson November 1, 2007

M42 "Orion Nebula", in Orion, photographed from St. John's  on November 1, 2007 by Chris Stevenson, in the crisp, cold quietude 2-3:30am, from our East End backyard, a few hours after the Hallowe'en kiddies packed it in and the clouds moved off. Canon EOS 350D (unmodified) at ISO1600, Registax-combined exposures taken through an equatorially- tracking 8" LX200 after careful focusing on the Pleiades, "The Gimp"-adjusted levels.  Sum of eighten 10 sec. exposures.  You can tell from the lack of red H-alpha that my Digital Rebel still has its stock IR-cutoff filter.

Click image for full original photo.
