RASC - St. John's Centre
Members Photos

Image of the "California, Cygnus, North American & Veil Nubulae"
Photographed by David Caruk August 2009

A photo of  the "California Nebula (NGC1499)", in Perseus, photographed from St. John's  in August 2009 by David Caruk.

Imaging this in my back yard was a challenge to say the least!  It is extreamly faint and was heavily processed to bring out the detail.  The red colour of the sky is the residual light pollution boosted by increasing the brightness and contrast with editing software to bring out the nebula which is mostly hydrogen alpha Light.  The image is 2 sets of stacks with Registax5 combined together (total of 10 images of approx 1.5 minutes each).  I used a Nikon D70 SLR (IR Filter Removed) with a 300mm f 2.8 lens.

Click image for full original photo.

A photo of  the "Cygnus Nebula", in Cygnus, photographed from St. John's  in August 2009 by David Caruk.

This is a nice shot of Central Cygnus.  The bright star is Sadr at magnitude 2.2.  The nebula to the left does not have any specific name as far as I know and is located in a dense part of the Milky Way.   The open cluster M-29 is partly visible and is just out of the field of view to the bottom left.  I used a Nikon D 70 (IR Filter Removed), a wide band LPR filter and a Canon 300mm f2.8 Lens.  There are about 80 images stacked with Registax5 of 25 seconds each.

Click image for full original photo.

A photo of  the "North American Nebula (NGC7000)", in Cygnus, photographed from St. John's  in August 14, 2009 by David Caruk.

This is the North Ameican Nebula (NGC7000) in Cygnus Taken on Aug 14/09.  This is the best image I have made to date after many failed attempts.   This nebula has a very low surface brightness and is next to impossible to see visually in the city but appears clearly when imaged with a modified digital SLR (IR Filter Removed) and a wide band LPR Filter.
This image is 34  25 second images stacked with Registax5 and processed with Microsoft image editor. The Lens used is a Canon FD300mm f2.8 modified to fit a Nikon SLR.

Click image for full original photo.

A photo of  the "Veil Nebula", in Cygnus, photographed from St. John's  in August 22, 2009 by David Caruk.

This is a wide field image of the Veil Nebula in Cygnus.  There are 3 sections to this very large spread out Planetary Nebula.  The central star can be seen in this image if you look carefully.   It has a dark circle around it and is located below the middle nebula section.   This is exceptionally faint for a backyard photo from inside the city.  Yes, St. John's does get clear skys once in a while.   I used a Nikon D70 (IR Filter Removed), a wide band LPR filter and a 300mm f 2.8 lens. This is about 30 images of 30 seconds each stacked with Registax

.Click image for full original photo.
