RASC - St. John's Centre
Members Photos

Images of "Various Deep Sky Objects"
Photographed by Chris Stevenson March 2010

Image of  the "M13", in Hercules, photographed from St. John's March 2010 by Chris Stevenson.

Relativly short-exposure Spring deep sky imagery, done at the
cassegrain focus of an 11" SCT on an unfiltered, modified Canon 350D
digital SLR, from East End St. John's. No guiding was done; Five 30 sec exposures, that happened to track well (the majority of those taken) were co-added in Registax4 running under Wine on linux, with dark subtraction, and final curve adjustments done in "The Gimp". To do these objects justice through light-polluted skies, a hundred or more 30s exposures (or fewer, guided longer exposures) are really required.

Click image for full original photo.

Image of  the "M51", (the Whirlpool) in Canes Venatici, photographed from St. John's March 2010 by Chris Stevenson.

Relativly short-exposure Spring deep sky imagery, done at the
cassegrain focus of an 11" SCT on an unfiltered, modified Canon 350D
digital SLR, from East End St. John's. No guiding was done; Seventeen 30 sec exposures, that happened to track well (the majority of those taken) were co-added in Registax4 running under Wine on linux, with dark subtraction, and final curve adjustments done in "The Gimp". To do these objects justice through light-polluted skies, a hundred or more 30s exposures (or fewer, guided longer exposures) are really required. 

Click image for full original photo.

Image of  the "M65", in Leo, photographed from St. John's March 2010 by Chris Stevenson.

Relativly short-exposure Spring deep sky imagery, done at the
cassegrain focus of an 11" SCT on an unfiltered, modified Canon 350D
digital SLR, from East End St. John's. No guiding was done; Fifteen 30 sec exposures, that happened to track well (the majority of those taken) were co-added in Registax4 running under Wine on linux, with dark subtraction, and final curve adjustments done in "The Gimp". To do these objects justice through light-polluted skies, a hundred or more 30s exposures (or fewer, guided longer exposures) are really required.

Click image for full original photo.

Image of  the "M66", in Leo, photographed from St. John's March 2010 by Chris Stevenson.

Relativly short-exposure Spring deep sky imagery, done at the
cassegrain focus of an 11" SCT on an unfiltered, modified Canon 350D
digital SLR, from East End St. John's. No guiding was done; Eighteeen 30 sec exposures, that happened to track well (the majority of those taken) were co-added in Registax4 running under Wine on linux, with dark subtraction, and final curve adjustments done in "The Gimp". To do these objects justice through light-polluted skies, a hundred or more 30s exposures (or fewer, guided longer exposures) are really required.

Click image for full original photo.

Image of  the "M101", (the Pinwheel) in Ursa Major, photographed from St. John's March 2010 by Chris Stevenson.

Relativly short-exposure Spring deep sky imagery, done at the
cassegrain focus of an 11" SCT on an unfiltered, modified Canon 350D
digital SLR, from East End St. John's. No guiding was done; Twenty-six 30 sec exposures, that happened to track well (the majority of those taken) were co-added in Registax4 running under Wine on linux, with dark subtraction, and final curve adjustments done in "The Gimp". To do these objects justice through light-polluted skies, a hundred or more 30s exposures (or fewer, guided longer exposures) are really required.

Click image for full original photo.

Image of  the "NGC4565", (the Needle) in Coma Berenices, photographed from St. John's March 2010 by Chris Stevenson.

Relativly short-exposure Spring deep sky imagery, done at the
cassegrain focus of an 11" SCT on an unfiltered, modified Canon 350D
digital SLR, from East End St. John's. No guiding was done; Twenty-six 30 sec exposures, that happened to track well (the majority of those taken) were co-added in Registax4 running under Wine on linux, with dark subtraction, and final curve adjustments done in "The Gimp". To do these objects justice through light-polluted skies, a hundred or more 30s exposures (or fewer, guided longer exposures) are really required.

Click image for full original photo.

Image of  the "Siamese Twins", (NGC4567 & 4568) in Virgo, photographed from St. John's March 2010 by Chris Stevenson.

Relativly short-exposure Spring deep sky imagery, done at the
cassegrain focus of an 11" SCT on an unfiltered, modified Canon 350D
digital SLR, from East End St. John's. No guiding was done; Twelve 30 sec exposures, that happened to track well (the majority of those taken) were co-added in Registax4 running under Wine on linux, with dark subtraction, and final curve adjustments done in "The Gimp". To do these objects justice through light-polluted skies, a hundred or more 30s exposures (or fewer, guided longer exposures) are really required.

Click image for full original photo.
