Images of the "M11, M16, M17, M20, M29 & NGC 6303"
Photographed by Chris Stevenson July 15, 2010 |
A photo of the "Wild Duck Cluster", in Scutum,
photographed from St. John's on July 15, 2010 by Chris Stevenson.
M11 "Wild Duck Cluster in
Scutum", 3x30s exposures with 11-inch Celestron CPC-1100 on wedge in SkyShed POD,
modified Canon 350D, all sums of 30s exposures,
roughly half usable, using Registax4. All had the same 30s dark
subtracted from them, and (unfortunately), no flat field division.
Ambient temperature 12-14C. Curves in linux' The Gimp.
Click image for full original photo.
A photo of the "Eagle Nebula", in Serpens Caput,
photographed from St. John's on July 15, 2010, by Chris Stevenson.
M16 Eagle Nebula in Serpens Caput (13x30s exposures with 11-inch Celestron CPC-1100 on wedge in SkyShed POD,
modified Canon 350D, all sums of 30s exposures,
roughly half usable, using Registax4. All had the same 30s dark
subtracted from them, and (unfortunately), no flat field division.
Ambient temperature 12-14C. Curves in linux' The Gimp.).
Click image for full original photo.
A photo of the "Swan/Omega Nebula", in Sagittarius,
photographed from St. John's on July 15, 2010, by Chris Stevenson.
M17 Swan Nebula in Sagittarius (5x30s exposures with 11-inch Celestron CPC-1100 on wedge in SkyShed POD,
modified Canon 350D, all sums of 30s exposures,
roughly half usable, using Registax4. All had the same 30s dark
subtracted from them, and (unfortunately), no flat field division.
Ambient temperature 12-14C. Curves in linux' The Gimp.).
Click image for full original photo.
A photo of the "Triffid Nebula", in Sagittarius,
photographed from St. John's on July 15, 2010, by Chris Stevenson.
M20 Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius (12x30s exposures with 11-inch Celestron CPC-1100 on wedge in SkyShed POD,
modified Canon 350D, all sums of 30s exposures,
roughly half usable, using Registax4. All had the same 30s dark
subtracted from them, and (unfortunately), no flat field division.
Ambient temperature 12-14C. Curves in linux' The Gimp. This was just clearing the trees and in the murk).
Click image for full original photo.
A photo of "Open Cluster", in Cygnus,
photographed from St. John's on July 15, 2010, by Chris Stevenson.
M29 Open Cluster in Cygnus (3x30s exposures with 11-inch Celestron CPC-1100 on wedge in SkyShed POD,
modified Canon 350D, all sums of 30s exposures,
roughly half usable, using Registax4. All had the same 30s dark
subtracted from them, and (unfortunately), no flat field division.
Ambient temperature 12-14C. Curves in linux' The Gimp. The relative size of the faint and bright stars here indicates,
perhaps, the relatively mediocre 'seeing')
Click image for full original photo.
A photo of "NGC 6303", in Sagittarius,
photographed from St. John's on July 15, 2010, by Chris Stevenson.
NGC 6303 Starcloud with its incredible little arc of stars (lower left) in Sagittarius (3x30s exposures with 11-inch Celestron CPC-1100 on wedge in SkyShed POD,
modified Canon 350D, all sums of 30s exposures,
roughly half usable, using Registax4. All had the same 30s dark
subtracted from them, and (unfortunately), no flat field division.
Ambient temperature 12-14C. Curves in linux' The Gimp.)
Click image for full original photo.