RASC - St. John's Centre
Members Photos


Image of various Nebulae taken from St. John's, Newfoundland.
Photographed by Tim Caruk - August to November 2012


Image of the  "Rosette Nebula", which is located to the left of the constellation Orion, in the constellation Monoceros. It is about 5200 light years away from us and is an area of new star formation. the enbedded star cluster NGC 2244 is easily visible in binoculars, however the nebula can only be glimpsed in very dark skies as a faint glowing cloud about  twice the size of the full moon. I took this image on November 18, 2012 through a 115mm Dialyte Astrograph telescope designed by David Caruk using a modified Nikon D5000.  The total exposure time was about 2hrs.

Click on image for full original photo.

Image of the  "Horsehead Nebula", located near the left star in Orion's belt is a faint emission nebula that has a dark region in the shape of a Horse's head.  The image was taken on the night of  November 18, 2012 through a Dyalyte astrograph telescope designed by David Caruk using a modified Nikon D5000 camera.

Click on image for full original photo.

Image of the  "Gamma Cygni Nebula (IC1318)". located around the central star of the Northern Cross of the Constellation Cygnus is a large area of red emission nebula in the milky way showing dark regions in the foreground. I took this image of the brighter portion of the object using a 110mm ed refractor and a modified Nikon D5000 camera, on August 10, 2012.

Click on image for full original photo.

Image of the  "NGC6781". located in the constellation Aquila.  This is a Planetary nebula with a diameter of about 121 arc seconds. The central star is a white dwarf with a magnitude of only 16.8.  I took this image on September 18, 2012, through a C9.25 Scope with a modified Nikon D 5000 camera, with a total exposure of about 35 minutes.

Click on image for full original photo.


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