The Horsehead and Flame Nebulae in Orion, taken March 10, 2015 in Mount Pearl,
Newfoundland. Equipment with a CPC1100 on wedge, Hyperstar 3, Canon 6D (unmodified). Autoguiding using ED80, QHY5LII-mono and PHD2. Images
captured with assistance of BackYardEOS, stacked and processed in PixInsight. Stack of 20, 120 second subs @ 400iso (40min total
integration time). Satisfied with Ha reproduction given that camera is unmodified. Note that Hyperstar turns CPC1100 into an 560mm FL F/2.0 scope..
Click on image for larger photo. |
The M51 Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici, taken March 10, 2015 in Mount Pearl,
Newfoundland. Equipment - CPC1100 on wedge, Hyperstar 3, Canon 6D (unmodified). Autoguiding using ED80, QHY5LII-mono and PHD2. Images
captured with assistance of BackYardEOS. Stack of 54, 120 second subs @ 400iso (108min total integration time). Stacked and processed using
Click on image for larger photo. |