Downtown Virgo in Virgo, taken March 10, 2015 in Mount Pearl,
Newfoundland. Equipment - CPC1100 on wedge, Hyperstar 3, Canon 6D (unmodified).
Autoguiding using ED80, QHY5LII-mono and PHD2. Images captured with
assistance of BackYardEOS, stacked and processed in PixInsight. Stack
of 24, 120 second subs @ 400iso (48min total integration time). These
subs were the last set taken for the night - looking closely at the
stars, some de-focusing is noticeable probably due to temperature
changes (Hyperstar is more prone to focus changes).
There was much work to remove gradients from this stack - a 70% moon was
well up by the time these subs were captured (remnants visible in upper
corners). The Hyperstar is only meant to fill a 27mm sensor - the camera
has a 35mm sensor (full frame) - vignetting is noticeable even after
application of flats. However, I did not crop the result as there are a
few fuzzies in the border regions.
Click on image for larger photo. |
Virgo with PGC annotation. Same image but with PGC level fuzzies
annotated. Some indicated PGC's are not actually visible, however many
are. Can you count how many? Virgo is getting higher in the sky this
time of year - part of the reason this is considered galaxy season.
Click on image for larger photo. |