"The Horsehead Nebula - Barnard33" taken December 30, 2015 from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland. Equipment - C11 on EQ8, Canon 6D modified) and LPS-P2 filter. Autoguided using ED80, QHY5LII-mono and PHD2. Images captured with assistance of BackYardEOS, stacked and processed in PixInsight. Stack of 21, 240-second subs @ 6400iso (84min total integration time).
This nebula is located right next to Alnitak - the left most star in the
belt of the constellation Orion (located just off left edge of image). The dark area forming the appearance of a horse's head is actually caused
mostly by thick dust blocking the light of stars behind it. Bottom left of image is a reflection nebula NGC2023.
Click on image for full original photo. |