"The Running Man Nebula (NGC1977) & M42" taken 2016 02 27 from Conception Bay South, Newfoundland. Equipment - Camera: Canon 60 DA, combined with an Explore Scientific OTA, Aper. 102 mm, F7, APO Refractor. Tracking With a Meade Mono DSI, combined with an Orion 80mm Short Tube Refractor. Guidind with PHD.
Mount: CGEM 1100.
Long Primes: 240 seconds, ISO 400, 24 Primes, Total Time, 96 minutes + Darks & Bias.
Short Primes: 30 seconds, ISO 400, 6 Primes, Total Time 3 minutes+ Darks & Primes.
Click on image for full original photo.