"Bubble Nebulae and Friends" taken September 10, 2016 from Butter Pot Provincial Park, Newfoundland.
NGC 7635, but also known as Caldwell 11, is an emission nebula in the constellation
Cassiopeia. The "bubble" is created by stellar wind from a nearby hot young central star - you will need to zoom in to
see the bubble shape. Also in the image is M52, an open cluster and some other emission nebulae.
Images taken during a RASC observing session at Butterpot Park Sept 10, 2016. Equipment - Stellarvue 90mm APO, AVX Mount,
StarSense (thanks Randy!), Polemaster and Canon 6D (modified). No autoguiding was used. Images stacked and processed in
Deep Sky Stacker - 13, 60 sec subs @1600 iso
Click on image for full original photo. |