Images of M31, M42, NGC2244 plus Moon, Venus & Beehive Cluster
taken from Butter Pot Park, and Fogo, Newfoundland.
Photographed by Jim Stacey - June 2018 and March 2019 |
The following images were taken with a Explore Scientific Maksutov-Newtonian (Aperture 152mm at F4.8) with an unmodified Sony A7R Mark 3, with the exception of the last shot which was just an unmodified Sony A7R Mark 3 camera.
Another cold night at Butter Pot Provincial Park allowed this attempt at capturing the "Andromeda Galaxy M31" and its companion galaxies M32 and M110. The telescope used was an Explore Scientific Maksutov-Newtonian (Aperture 152mm at F4.8) with an unmodified Sony A7R Mark 3 at ISO 3200, 125 seconds exposure at prime focus, processed in Lightroom and Color Efex Pro 4.
Photographed January 26th 2019
Click on image for full original photo. |
This is my second attempt at capturing the spectacular Orion and Running Man Nebula from Butter Pot Provincial Park on a bitterly cold night at -10C. The telescope used was an Explore Scientific Maksutov-Newtonian (Aperture 152mm at F4.8) with an unmodified Sony A7R Mark 3 at ISO 3200, 11 exposures of 30 seconds duration median stacked in Deep Sky Stacker, processed in Lightroom and Color Efex Pro 4. Photographed December 13th 2018.
Click on image for full original photo. |
This is a first attempt at capturing the "Rosette Nebula surrounding the open cluster NGC 2244" in the constellation Monoceros. The telescope used was an Explore Scientific Maksutov-Newtonian (Aperture 152mm at F4.8) with an unmodified Sony A7R Mark 3 at ISO 1600, 2 exposures of 121 seconds duration were manually aligned and summed in Photoshop with subsequent processing in Lightroom and Color Efex Pro 4. Photographed March 10th 2019
Click on image for full original photo. |
The crescent Moon and Venus frames the Beehive Cluster at sunset in this photograph taken off Brimstone Head, Fogo Island. Photograph taken with a Sony A7R Mark 3, 90mm macro lens at F2.8, 1.3 second exposure. Processed in Lightroom, stars manually enhanced by +4 stops for visibility. Photographed by Jim Stacey June 16th 2018.
Click on image for full original photo. |