RASC - St. John's Centre
Members Photos


Images of Jupiter taken from St. John's, Newfoundland.
Photographed by Tim Caruk, August & September 2009


This image of Jupiter was taken at St. John's, on Aug 12, 2009 using a 8 inch SCT. A recent comet or asteroid impact can be seen at the upper left in the pole region as a dark cloud. It was discovered by Australian amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley on July 19, 2009 and has slowly dispersed into a larger fainter black cloud.

Click on image for full original photo.

This image of Jupiter was taken at St. John's, on Sept 10, 2009.  I obtained this image of Jupiter using an 8 inch Meade SCT and a Canon A 540 digital camera in video mode. Jupiter is now moving away from opposition to Earth.

Click on image for full original photo.

This image of Jupiter was taken at St. John's, September 15, 2009, and is probably the clearest image I have ever taken of Jupiter, so far. I obtained it using a Meade 8 inch SCT with an atmospheric corrector to correct refraction caused by the atmosphere, since Jupiter is closer to the horizon. It is a combination of over 1000 images taken using a Canon A540 PowerShot at 30 frames per second.

Click on image for full original photo.


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