Past Local Public Events
of the RASC St. John's Centre









Transit of Mercury
November 11th 2019

"Transit of Mercury, November 11th 2019"
Garry Dymond catches an early photo of the transit. Mercury can be seen as a tiny black dot in the upper right portion of the Sun.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)


"Transit of Mercury, November 11th 2019"
Nikolay Damyanov setting mup to view the Sun.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Transit of Mercury, November 11th 2019"
Garry Dymond getting photos of Mercury transiting the Sun.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Transit of Mercury, November 11th 2019"
Dave Newbury setting up his new solar telescope.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)


"Transit of Mercury, November 11th 2019"
Jim Gillard came in from Twillngate and set up his large PST to view the Mercury Transit.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)


"Transit of Mercury, November 11th 2019"
Randy Dodge's Mercury Transit setup complete with viewing screen.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Transit of Mercury, November 11th 2019"
Some visitors getting a good view of the transit.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)


"Transit of Mercury, November 11th 2019"
Viewing the Transit through Dave's new Solar Telescope.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)


"Transit of Mercury, November 11th 2019"
Some younger visitors dropped by to get a glimpse of this rare event.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Transit of Mercury, November 11th 2019"
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


International Observe the Moon Night
October 6th 2019

"International Observe the Moon Night, October 6th 2019"
IOMN Poster.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Observe the Moon Night, October 6th 2019"
RASC Members setting up equipment, St. John's Harbour in the background.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Observe the Moon Night, October 6th 2019"
Signal Hill National Historic Site,with Cabot Tower in the background.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Observe the Moon Night, October 6th 2019"
Start of session, clear, no wind, 6C degrees.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Observe the Moon Night, October 6th 2019"
Crowds starting to garther. Lots of young kids..
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Observe the Moon Night, October 6th 2019"
The live telescope video was popular with the younger visitors.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


Science Literacy Week
September 15th 2019

"Science Literacy Week at the Avalon Mall, September 15th 2019"
RASC Member Randy Dodge explaining astronomy to some visitors.
(Photo - Science Literary Week)


"Science Literacy Week at the Avalon Mall, September 15th 2019"
RASC Members Garry Dymond and Robert Babb at our display.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Science Literacy Week at the Avalon Mall, September 15th 2019"
RASC Members Garry Dymond, Robert Babb and Mike Morrow manning our display.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


Terra Nova National Park "Night Sky Celebration"
August 23rd and 24th 2019

"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Activity Centre evening visitor's checking out the exhibits.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Activity Centre evening visitor's checking out the exhibits.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Dave Saunders (Parks Canada) kicks off the evening's event.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
The effects of Light Pollution, and the importance of Artifical Light Abatement is explained.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Randy reviews some literature with a visitor..
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Craig and Chris handing out Star Finders and explaining how they are used.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Dave explains the design and operation of a simple 10" Dobsonian Telescope to some visitors.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Activity Centre evening visitor's checking out the exhibits.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
The ever popular children's tatoos.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
New for this year..... astronomy themed rock paintings. (and no, the rocks themselves did not come from the Park.)
(Photo - Dave Newbury)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
New for this year..... astronomy themed rock paintings. (and no, the rocks themselves did not come from the Park.)
(Photo - Dave Newbury)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Solar Viewing at the Visitor's Centre.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Getting a special view of the Sun through a Lunt Solar Telescope.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Getting a view of the Sun through a Lunt Solar Telescope.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Getting a view of the Sun through a Coronado Solar Telescope.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Viewing of the Sun through heavy duty filtered goggles.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Chris explains the "Solar System Walk", starting with the Sun. The kids even get to carry their own planets.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Next on the Solar System Walk is Mercury.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Now it's off down the trail to see the other planets.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
Later in the evening, we were set up at Sandy Pond (a Designated dark Sky Area ) showing views of Saturn, Jupiter and some deep sky objects..
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
The crowds had thinned considerably by the time this spectular view emerged at Sandy Pond.
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd & 24th 2019, Night Sky Celebration"
The Milky Way at Sandy Pond (a Designated dark Sky Area ).
(Photo - Nikolay Damyanov)


Bannerman Park Folk Festival
August 11th 2019

"Bannerman Park Folk Festival August 11th 2019"
RASC Member Randy Dodge showing festival goers views of the Sun.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Bannerman Park Folk Festival August 11th 2019"
RASC Member Randy Dodge showing Festival goers views of the Sun, through an h-alpha solar telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Bannerman Park Folk Festival August 11th 2019"
RASC Member Emily McCullough demonstrating a white light solar telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Bannerman Park Folk Festival August 11th 2019"
Dave Taylor from Parks Canada applying the ever polular childrens tatoos.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Butter Pot Star Party
August 10th 2019

"Butter Pot Star Party August 10th 2019"
After being rained out the day before, we are ready for "Take 2", and are setting up for Solar Filter Workshop.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Butter Pot Star Party August 10th 2019"
BBQ Master Chris.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Butter Pot Star Party August 10th 2019"
The Star Party BBQ.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Butter Pot Star Party August 10th 2019"
Astro Garry arrives.... Greetings!
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Butter Pot Star Party August 10th 2019"
Waiting for the clouds to clear.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Butter Pot Star Party August 10th 2019"
Finally dark, but mainly cloudy. However, we get some viewing in before the St. Mary's fog rolled in from the south.
Despite the short session, about 60 or more people got views of the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


Witless Bay Observing Session
Visitor's Centre, Witless Bay, Nfld.

July 27th 2019

"Witless Bay Observing Session with CPAWS, July 27th 2019"
We arrived at Witless Bay and set up our telescopes at the Tourism Chalet.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Witless Bay Observing Session with CPAWS, July 27th 2019"
RASC members setting up their telescopes at the Tourism Chalet Area
with Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) representatives.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Witless Bay Observing Session with CPAWS, July 27th 2019"
As darkness desends, the observing session begins, with Jupiter and Saturn prominently in view.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Witless Bay Observing Session with CPAWS, July 27th 2019"
Introduction to the observing session, with Saturn, Jupiter, Antares and Scorpius visible.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Witless Bay Observing Session with CPAWS, July 27th 2019"
Peak of the observing session, with about 50 people in attendence. One pesky streetlight was evident in the background.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Witless Bay Observing Session with CPAWS, July 27th 2019"
A CPAWS representative gave a short talk, highlighting the light-pollution issue, especially as it pertains to seabirds.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Witless Bay Observing Session with CPAWS, July 27th 2019"
This is a view of the sky, later in the evening, after the crowds/line-ups had subsided. Conditions were good for session - warm, clear, good seeing
and bugs not too bad. The Milky Way was still visible once we reached astronomical darkness. Objects observed included
Jupiter, Saturn, Andromeda, M81/M82, Antares, Constellations, a particularly long bright and high ISS pass,
other satellites and a couple of meteors.
(Photo - Dave Newbury)


Apollo 11, 50th Anniversary
Geo Centre, Signal Hill, St. John's

July 20th 2019

"Apollo 11 50th Anniversary, July 20th 2019"
Mike showing a view of the Sun through his solar telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"Apollo 11 50th Anniversary, July 20th 2019"
Jim and Craig talking to some visitors about astronomy.
(Photo - Marcellus Redmond)


"Apollo 11 50th Anniversary, July 20th 2019"
Jim explains the operation of a telescope to some young visitors.
(Photo - Marcellus Redmond)


"Apollo 11 50th Anniversary, July 20th 2019"
Craig and Randy with CSA Astronaut Joshua Kutryk. Joshua is holding Randy's Lunar Meteorite
(Photo - Marcellus Redmond)


"Apollo 11 50th Anniversary, July 20th 2019"
Visitors listening to the main Geo Centre sponsored live event, hosted by CSA Astronaut Jushua Kutryk. CSA Astronauts Bob Thirsk and
David Saint-Jacques streamed live content from other Science Centres in Montreal and Toronto. A Question & Answer session followed.
(Photo - Marcellus Redmond)


Salmonier Nature Park
May 24th 2019

"Salmonier Nature Park, May 24th 2019"
Setting up for the evening's viewing at the Salmonier Nature Park about 75 km west of St. John's.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Salmonier Nature Park, May 24th 2019"
Setting up for the evening's viewing at the Salmonier Nature Park about 75 km west of St. John's.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Salmonier Nature Park, May 24th 2019"
Setting up for the evening's viewing at the Salmonier Nature Park about 75 km west of St. John's.
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"Salmonier Nature Park, May 24th 2019"
Visitors begin to arrive and look at out telescopes..
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Salmonier Nature Park, May 24th 2019"
Talking to visitors about astronomy as we wait for darkness to observe some deep sky objects.
Sunset was late, and there was no moon until much later.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"Salmonier Nature Park, May 24th 2019"
Just as we were packing up to leave, this appeared in the sky, and passed overhead..... Quite dramatic. At first it was thought to be space junk.
However, we soon discovered that it was actually a train of some 60 satellites from the Starlink launch.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


International Astronomy Day
May 11th 2019

"International Astronomy Day, May 11, 2019"
Our setup of telescopes and information at the Johnson Geo Centre at Signal Hill, St. John's.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Astronomy Day, May 11, 2019"
Dave Newbury explains some details of the telescope that he uses for astroimaging.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Astronomy Day, May 11, 2019"
A young visitor checks out one of the telescopes.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Astronomy Day, May 11, 2019"
Mike Morrow mans his solar PST telescope, at the main entrance. However, the clouds did not co-operate.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


Observe the Moon Night
April 12th 2019

"Observe the Moon Night, April 12, 2019"
This Year's first "Observe the Moon Night" was held at the Signal Hill National Historic Site Intrepretation Centre, on April 12, 2019.
Our first visitor gets a great view of the Moon high over head, through Garry's telescope, just after the Sun had set..
(Photo - Garry Dymond)


"Observe the Moon Night, April 12, 2019"
As the evening progressed more and more visitors got a view of the Moon and other celestial objects.
By the end of the session, some 75 visitors got to look through the telescopes.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Beginner's Telescope Workshop
February 27th 2019

"RASC Beginner's Telescope Workshop, February 27, 2019"
A Beginner's Telescope Workshop was held for newcomers to astronomy. Here executive member Jim Stacey presents Part I,
and gives an overview of the principles of astronomy, recommended books to buy and what one can expect to see in the sky.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Beginner's Telescope Workshop, February 27, 2019"
In Part II Mike Morrow explained the use of good quality binoculars as the most cost effect way for beginners to start astronomical observing,
and then moved on to show the simplicity and verstility of an 8" Dobsonian telescope, for more enhanced views.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Beginner's Telescope Workshop, February 27, 2019"
A more advanced refractor telescope, on an equatorical mount, is demonstrated.
In the background is a small reflector telescope on an Alt-Az mount.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)



"RASC Beginner's Telescope Workshop, February 27, 2019"
Jim explains some of the adaptors that can be used to attach telescopes to different types of mounts.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Beginner's Telescope Workshop, February 27, 2019"
In Part III of the workshop, attendees got a chance for "hands on" experience with the telescopes.
Pictured here is a demonstration of a finderscope on the 8" Dobsonian.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Beginner's Telescope Workshop, February 27, 2019"
Randy Dodge shows how to remotely control his Astro-Tech AT60ED refractor telescope, on an Alt-Az mount.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Beginner's Telescope Workshop, February 27, 2019"
Dave Newbury answers questions from some of the workshop antendees.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Beginner's Telescope Workshop, February 27, 2019"
Marcellus Redmond explains the setup and operation of a newtonian reflector telescope, on an equatorical mount.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary
Geo Centre, Signal Hill, St. John's
January 12, 2019

"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
Upon arriving at the Geo Centre you would have encountered Mike Morrow with his Solar Telescope.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
Inside the Geo Centre Lobby, the RASC had a display of telescopes, astronomical images, as well as handouts.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
On to the Celestial Gallery, for our telescope workshop, and to meet Newfoundland's own astronaut.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
The "Telescope Workshop" in the Geo Centre's Celestial Gallery. The RASC St. John's Centre invited the public
to bring in their new telescopes for hands-on instructions, on their setup and operation.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
The "Telescope Workshop" in the Geo Centre's Celestial Gallery. Showing three of the telescopes being set-up and aligned for their owners.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
Robert Babb explains the setup and alingment of a Newtonian telescope on an equatorial mount.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
Dave Newbury, from the St. John's RASC Centre, setting up a Celestron Telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
Tim Caruk setting up and aligning a Celestron Astro Master 130 Newtonian telescope..
(Photo - Garry Dymond)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
Jim Stacey showing how to setup a telescope at the "Telescope Workshop".
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
The Geo Centre's 8" Dobsonian Telescope.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
Marcellus Redmond lining up the finder scope on the only star available, the Christmas Star on Cabot Tower.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
Checking out the view through the Geo Centre's 8" Dobsonian telescope.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)



"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
Some visitors having their picture taken with Newfoundland's own astronaut, Bethany Downer.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
Astronaut Bethany Downer talking with some visitor's.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomical Union 100th Anniversary, January 12, 2019 at the Geo Centre"
Some visitors having their photo taken with Newfoundland's astronaut Behany Downer.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

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