Past Local Public Events
of the RASC St. John's Centre









International Fall Astronomy Day
at the Johnston Geo Centre
September 22nd 2023

"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
RASC members are getting set up, at the rear of the Geo Centre's parking lot, for the evening's event..
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
Randy's new Seestar telescope setup (just out of the box that afternoon) automatically finds the object, tracks it,
stacks the images and produces quality images on a screen for all to see.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
The evening starts off early before sunset, with visitors getting a view of the Moon through Mike Morrow's Dobsonian telescope.
Randy is in the background getting his new Seestar up and running.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
Marcellus is setting up his telescope for views of the Moon.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
Greg Baggs setting up his refactor telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
A young visitor getting a view of the Moon.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
More viewing of the Moon through Mike Morrow's Dobsonian telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
Jim Stacey explaining his refactor telescope setup, for viewing the Moon.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
Greg now has a lineup of visitors to look through his telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
Gary Dymond is showing some visitors views of Saturn.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
Taking a photo of the Moon with her cellphone.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
More views of Saturn.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
Robert Babb setting up his Explore Scientific refractor telescope .
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
People are lined up to look through Jim Johnston's 11" telescope .
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
Garry now has Jupiter in his telescope for visitors to see.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
The lineups are getting longer now.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
The image of the central part of the Andromeda Galaxy, as obtained from Randy Dodge's new Seestar telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
A visitor is getting her picture taken with the Andromeda Galaxy.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
Robert Babb had his Explore Scientific telescope set up at the entrance to our viewing area, and had a number of interesting objects
available for viewing. This photo shows a nice view of the Dumbell Nebula (some 1200 light years distant).
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
As the evening progressed, more and more visitors arrived, and the lineups got longer, but everone got a chance to see multiple objects.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
Another view of the crowds.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"International Fall Astronomy Day, September 22nd 2023"
As we were packing up our gear, a last minute visitor (of the furry kind) arrived. However, the fox didn't seem too interested
in looking through a scope, probably more interested in a hand out. Unfortunately, he left empty handed.

All in all it was a very successful evening, with decent skies and attendence upwards of 400 visitors ....not including the fox!
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


Terra Nova National Park "Night Sky Celebration"
August 25th to 26th 2023

"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Dave Saunders (TNNP's Visitor Experience Officer) next to TNNP's Dark Sky Preserve sign.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Mike Morow and Robert Babb discussing evening plans for our Group's participation in the Night Sky Celebration.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
TNNP had several informative stations set up. This arrangement of books targeted the younger visitor.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
This was an interesting hands on activity. The kids decorated some small plastic balls,
placed them on battery operated tea lights, and placed them in the display on the left.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
A TNNP display explaining the different types of artificial light.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Explaining Light Pollution.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
ALAN Artifical Light At Night.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Give away items from the RASC St. John's Centre.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Telescope views in the area outside the Activity Centre.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Mike with an Orion refractor telescope.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Garry talking with some visitors.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Looking at the Moon with a Celestron AstoMaster refractor telescope
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Astronomical viewing through tripod mounnted binoculars.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Garry showing visitors how to take a picture of the Moon with a cellphone.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Quite a few visitors (estimated 150) gathered throughout the evening to view the wonders of the heavens.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Another view during the evening's viewing at the Activity Centre.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Setting up for solar viewing at the TNNP Visitor's Centre..
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Viewing the Sun through a Coronado PST Solar telescope.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
More visitors getting a view of the Sun.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Garry explaining how to take photos of the Sun.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Garry showing a visitor how to take a photo of the Sun with their cellphone.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
This is the image of the Sun that was seen through the solar scopes.
Note the two sunspots, and the prominences around the Sun's edge.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Mike and Robert at Sandy Pond.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Robert setting up his Explore Scientific refractor for the evening's viewing.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Garry waiting for the skies to darken.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Kathy Sweetapple and two of her support staff, at the Sandy Pond event
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
The Moon rises over Sandy Pond, shining through some whispy clouds.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 25th to 26th 2023, Night Sky Celebration"
Richard's children look at the moon as it just begins to clear the tops of the trees.
(Photo - Cynthia Patterson)


Butterpot Star Party
at Butterpot Provincial Park
July 21st & 22nd 2023

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 21st, 2023"
Craig, Randy, Garry and Chris arrived late afternoon to begin setting up for evening viewing.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 21st, 2023"
Chris setting up his 14" DOB for viewing the Moon.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 21st, 2023"
Randy setting up his telescope to show digital images of the Moon on a screen.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 21st, 2023"
The both the Sun and Moon played hide and seek with the clouds (mainly hiding).
However, Randy managed to get some images on his viewing screen.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Around noon, Mike and Robert arrived from Carbonear (where they had been holding another astronomy event the previous night)
arrived and set up their shelters for the afternoon's viewing of the Sun.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Mike and Robert have the Sun in thier scopes, ready for visitors to view.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
A park visitor having a great view through Robert's telescope.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Having aview of the Sun through a Coronado Personal Solar Telescope.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Mike with his Coronado PST Solar Scope.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
This quick photo that Randy took shows the numerous surface features visible on the Sun that day.
Sunspots, filaments and granules are clearly visible. Althhough not captured in this shot,
Solar prominances were also plentiful.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
A group of Guides, that were camping in the next field, came over and got excellent views of the Sun
(that was displayed onto a viewing screen). Randy's Lunt Solar telescope showed
numerous sunspots and filaments on the surface of the Sun .
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Chris, GArry, Randy and Robert relaxing before the evening viewing session.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Robert with his Explore Scientific 127ES Refractor Telescope, all set up for the evening's viewing.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
The sky has finaly cleared, revealing a nice crecent Moon.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Chris lining up his scope with the crescent Moon.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Garry's view of the evening's crescent Moon..
(Photo - Garry Dymond)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Some people gathering for evening viewing of the skies.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Randy's view of the crescent Moon.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Dave Caruk arrived with a home brew scope. But actually, it is a pair of binoculars married to two 5 inch refractor telescopes.
resulting in a pair of super binoculars. The following photo shows better that they are binos.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Dave Caruk's home built 5 inch binoculars.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, July 22nd, 2023"
Mike showing some visitors a view of the crescent phase of Venus.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

International Astronomy Day
at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill
May 6th 2023

"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
International Astronomy Day (a collabration between the RASC and the Geo Centre) was a great success.
Here we see some of the more than 400 visitors entering the lobby area.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
It wasn't long before the lobby started to fill up.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
There was lots of promotional material handed out.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
Mike explains the 10" Dobsonian Telescope that was on displ;ay.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
Mike points out the Solar Telescope (just off screen) to some visitors.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
Robert talking to a visitor.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
Mike showing his Solar Telescope to a visitor.
. (Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
Robert explaining the operation of his refractor telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
Throughout the afternoon there were line-ups for the Geo Centre's Planetarium show.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
Behind the planetarium our members were showing people how to setup and use telescopes that they had brought in.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
Chris explains the operation of his homemade telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IAD at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, May 6th, 2023"
Marcellus instructs a visitor in the proper set-up of their telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


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