Past Local Public Events
of the RASC St. John's Centre









International Fall Astronomy Night
at the Johnston Geo Centre October 11th 2024

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
The early arrival of RASC members to set up for the evening's viewing.
Although, we were plagued with clouds, wind and some rain,
some 100 people got a chance to view several objects.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
The sky is not looking too bad.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
Robert and his Explore Scientific refractor telescope setup.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
However, clouds soon formed, eliminating any chance of viewing the comet.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
An astronomy chat.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
Observing the Moon.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
A young visitor looking through Hilding Neilson's telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
Looking up to see what objects are available for viewing.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
Chris is showing Saturan through his 14" telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
Robert is explaining his computerized telescope setup to a visitor.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
Is that fog or clouds approaching from behind? Either way, it doesn't look good.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
Mike Morrow shows visitors the second star in the Big Dipper's handle.
..Actually a double star (Mizar and Alcor).
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
During a clear period Randy manages to get a nice image of the Moon, with his SeeStar S50 Smart telescope.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"International Fall Astronomy Night, October 11th, 2024"
Finally, we conceded to the forces of nature..... clouds, wind and rain, and called it a night.
(Photo - Mike Morrow)


International Observe the Moon Night
at the Johnston Geo Centre September 13th 2024

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
The early arrival of RASC members to set up for the evening's viewing.
(Photo - Robert Babb)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
Randy's SeeStar S50 Smart All-In-One APO Telescope setup.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
Looking at the Moon.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
Looking at the Moon coming up just above Gibbet Hill.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
A young girl looking t the Moon, through one of the larger telescopes set up for the evening.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
Looking at the Moon.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
Still daylight, but people are enjoying the Moon.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
More people are gathering and waiting to view other celestial objects.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
People are enjoying the Moon through other telescopes.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
Line ups are forming at multiple telescopes.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
Getting a close up view of the Moon.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
View of the Moon.
(Photo - David Caruk)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
Liiking hrough Tim Caruk's refractor telescope.
(Photo - David Caruk)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
Garry Dymond showing views of Jupiter.
(Photo - David Caruk)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
Astronomical viewing.
(Photo - David Caruk)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
As it got darker, more and more people gathered, and formed line ups at the various scopes. Besides the Moon, Saturn, Galaxies,
and other celestial objests were shown to the crowds. Once it got dark, larger crowds gathered,
with upwards of 600 people getting views through the telescopes.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"International Observe the Moon Night, September 13th, 2024"
The parking lot was full of cars coming and going all evening.
(Photo - David Caruk)


Terra Nova National Park "Night Sky Celebration"
August 23rd & 24th 2024

"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd, 2024"
As we arrived on Friday (the 23rd), downpours eliminated all outdoors activities.
However, events in the Activity Centre, such as the creation of colourful planets went on as planned.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd, 2024"
A display showing the effects of the different light colours.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Terra Nova National Park, August 23rd, 2024"
Dave Saunders (TNNP's Visitor Experience Officer) talks about astronomical viewing in the Park.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Terra Nova National Park, August 24th, 2024"
With the storm clouds having abated over night, we set up our Solar Telescopes at the Visitor's Centre.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Terra Nova National Park, August 24th, 2024"
Checking out the Sun's surface with a Coronado PST telescope..
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Terra Nova National Park, August 24th, 2024"
Garry, Doug and Mike viewing the Sun.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Terra Nova National Park, August 24th, 2024"
The weather gods co-operated for a Solar Walk, as well. Above is one of the waypoint talking locations.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Terra Nova National Park, August 24th, 2024"
Alas, threatening clouds appeared again.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Terra Nova National Park, August 24th, 2024"
Threatening clouds.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Terra Nova National Park, August 24th, 2024"
With an apparant break in the weather, we proceeded to Sandy Pond, for an evenings viewing.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Terra Nova National Park, August 24th, 2024"
However, with storm clouds gathering again, telescopes had to be quickly taken down,
and stored away, just as a downpour ensued.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)

"Terra Nova National Park, August 24th, 2024"
Howwever, at least one person got a nice shot of the Moon from their campsite.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)


Butterpot Star Party
at Butterpot Provincial Park
August 9th & 11th 2024

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 9th, 2024"
After an intial setup of equipment, RASC membes are lamenting the approaching cloud cover,
when the upper cirrus clouds provided a nice Sun halo in the background.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 9th, 2024"
Then , as the Sun set, the skies provided some sucker holes, to enable viewing of the Moon.
Garry Dymond offers a view of the Moon, poking through the clouds.
(Photo - Carig Peterman)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 9th, 2024"
Lori and Emma checking out the clouds, as Mike Morrow (in the background) shows the Moon to some visitors.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 9th, 2024"
Randy Dodge with his SeeStar telescope, and explaining the content of one of our.publiations
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 9th, 2024"
Visitors checking out astro photos taken by our members during the past year
(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 9th, 2024"
Observing the Moon.

(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 11th, 2024"
Day 2 (the 11th) we set up again, with somewhat better weather.
But later, the St. Mary's fog rolled in, curtailing much of the evening's viewing.

(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 11th, 2024"
Robert Babb is explaining his Explore Scientific refractor telescope setup.

(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 11th, 2024"
Gregg Baggs is showing the Moon through is telescope.

(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 11th, 2024"
Mike Morrow is showing the Moon to some visitors.

(Photo - Craig Peterman)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 11th, 2024"
Sitting around for darker, clearer skies to appear. Eventually, we did manage to offer views of M13, M31, etc.
Despite the poor sky conditions, we had about 50 park visitors on Friday, and about 30 more on Sunday

(Photo - Garry Dymond)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 11th, 2024"
Seestar photo of M13 (the Great Gobular Cluster in the constellation Hercules).
This deep sky object contains several hundred thousand stars.

(Photo - Randy Dodge)

"Butterpot Star Party, at Butterpot Provincial Park, August 11th, 2024"
Seestar photo of M27 (the Dumbell Nebula in the constellation Vulpecula).
This deep sky object is a planetary nebula some 1360 light years away.

(Photo - Randy Dodge)


International Astronomy Day
at the Johnston Geo Centre
May 18th 2024

"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
As people arrived at the Geo Centre, during a beautiful sunny day, and had a variety of solar telescopes to view images sof the Sun.
Unfortunately, the skies did not co-operate for evening viewing.
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
Mike Morrow, Chris Stevenson and Tim Caruk had their Coronado Solar telescopes setup for visitors.
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
A visitor checks out the Sun through Mike's Solar Telescope.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
Mike has a line up for views through his scope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
Viewing an image of the Sun.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
More vivitors view images of the Sun.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
Chris Stevenson answering questions about the Sun.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
Tim Caruk explains his solar scope setup.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
Inside the GeoCentre, we had a manned table of astronomy handouts..
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
Robert Babb explains the operation of a Star Finder.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
Marce Redmund is discussing homemade telescopes with a visitor.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
A group of people are waiting to enter the planetarium.
(Photo -Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 18th 2024"
On the way out, visitors weere able to pick up souveniers at the GeoCentre gift shop.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


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