Past Local Public Events
of the RASC St. John's Centre









International Observe the Moon Night
at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill
September 30th 2022

"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
The group sets up their equipment, in the upper area of the Geo Centre parking lot, for the evening's session
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Our President Mike Morrow setting up his telescope.
(Photo - Cynthia Morrow)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Randy setting up his new astro imaging camera on his telescope
for electronic screen viewing
. (Photo - Cynthia Morrow)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Garry setting up his telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
With the comming of dusk, the IOMN event is getting underway.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Newcommers Lori and Emma came in from Clarenville. Emma is showing Jim her telescope.
(Photo - Cynthia Morrow)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Jim showing an image of the Moon to some visitors.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Emma showing her Meade telescope's image of the Moon, to some visitors.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Marcellus' DOB setup showing images of the Moon to some visitors.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Jim offering views of the Moon to some visitors, at IOMN.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Robert's large Explore Scientific 127ES Refractor telescope setup.
Chris' 14" DOB is in the background.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Chris adjusting his 14" DOB for a young visitor to look at the Moon..
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Getting a view of the Moon through Chris' homemade 14" Dobsonian Telescope.
A visitor is holding one of the many packages of astronomy related material given to attendees that night.
(Photo - Chris Stevenson)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Lineups form for views of the setting Moon.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Randy discusses the IOMN event, and his telescope/laptop setup for viewing the Moon electronicly..
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Mike with some of the many visitors who came to IOMN to look at the Moon..
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
Craig with Lori and Emma from Clarenville..
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
A photo near the peak of the event. It is estimated that some 130 people came throughout the evening,
getting views of not only the Moon, but Jupiter. Saturn, and some deep sky objects
such as the galaxies, star clusters and nebulae.
Both eyepiece and electronic viewing was available.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


"IOMN at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, September 30th, 2022"
As the crowds thinned and the event wound down, a lone image stood out at the lower end of our viewing area,
a nice image of the Andromeda Galaxy (M13), formed from hours of "live stacking" of images from
Robert's refractor telecope (to the left of the laptop).
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


Terra Nova National Park "Night Sky Celebration"
August 26th to 28th 2022

"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 26th to 28th 2022, Night Sky Celebration"
Robert with his solar scope setup.


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 26th to 28th 2022, Night Sky Celebration"
Mike showing some visitors images of the Sun, displayed on a screen.
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 26th to 28th 2022, Night Sky Celebration"
Doug and Dave by Dave's large Lunt solar telescope..
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 26th to 28th 2022, Night Sky Celebration"
Garry looking through his telescope, lining up a view of the Sun...
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 26th to 28th 2022, Night Sky Celebration"
Garry "Poppins" with his solar telescope displaying images on a cellphone screen.
The umbrella was actually used for shielding the screen from the glare of the Sun..
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 26th to 28th 2022, Night Sky Celebration"
The image of the Sun, showing a large promince, that Garry was showing visitors.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 26th to 28th 2022, Night Sky Celebration"
RASC setting up at Sandy Pond to show visitors the wonders of the night sky, as seen from an official "Dark Sky Preserve".
(Photo - Dave Newbury)


"RASC Terra Nova National Park, August 26th to 28th 2022, Night Sky Celebration"
A very nice photo of the Sagistarrius Milky Way (our own galaxy) taken looking out over Sandy Pond.
(Photo - Dave Newbury)


RASC Butterpot Star Party
August 5th & 6th 2022

"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 5th 2022"
Garry Dymond explaining features of the Moon, displayed on a sheilded screen.
It's estimated that some 70 visitors were in attendance for Friday evening's event..
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 5th 2022"
Mike Morrow adjusts his telescope to center his view of the Moon on his laptop screen.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 5th 2022"
Jim and member Jon Nugent and partner discuss his telescope setup..
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 5th 2022"
Nikolay and some friends setting up a telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 5th 2022"
Chris talking with Ajay and his son Sabastian, who set up their telescope on the Star Party field.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 5th 2022"
The Star Party field as we waited for darker skies to get a view of some planets and deep sky objects.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 5th 2022"
Mike displays one of the last view of the Moon, as the clouds start to move in.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)



"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 6th 2022"
The next day the clouds cleared nicely, and Mike shows an electronically assisted view of the Sun from his PST Solar telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)



"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 6th 2022"
Mike explains his laptop displayed image of the sun to some visitors.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)



"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 6th 2022"
A young visitor gets a view of sunspots and prominences on the Sun's surface, through Chris's PST Solar telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)



"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 6th 2022"
Garry shows what the Sun looks like through a special Solar Telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 6th 2022"
Robert with his Explore Scientific 127ES Refractor Telescope.
(Photo - Robert Babb)


"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 6th 2022"
People garther around Chris's telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 6th 2022"
Chris explains the design and operation of his homemade 18" dobsonian telescope.
Later in the evening, some excelent views of Saturn, and some deep sky objects, were seen through this telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"RASC Butter Pot Star Party, August 6th 2022"
Randy's Lunt 60DS Solar Telescope setup to view images on a screen.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)



"Butter Pot Star Party, August 6th 2022"
As the skies darkened a colourful display of glow sticks couild be seen throughout the field.
Over 100 people were estimated to at the evening event.
(Photo - Randy Dodge)


International Astronomy Day
A joint event of the RASC and the Johnson Geo Centre
May 15th 2022

"International Astronomy Day, May 15th 2022"
Mike Morrow, outside the Geo Centre, with his Solar Viewing Setup, where images were viewed on a sheilded screen.
It's estimated that over 170 visitors were in attendance for IAD.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 15th 2022"
Our RASC Centre's display in the main lobby.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 15th 2022"
Marcellus, in the Celestial Room, chatting with some visitors about his homemade dobsonian reflector telescope.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 15th 2022"
A visitor examines some meteorites and representative rock types found on other planetary bodies.
(Photo - Craig Peterman)


"International Astronomy Day, May 15th 2022"
Budding Geologist exploring rocks on Mars.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)


"International Astronomy Day, May 15th 2022"
Randy setting up his equipment for observing the Moon.
(Photo - Mike Morrow)


"International Astronomy Day, May 15th 2022"
Setting up for the evening's viewing, hoping the clouds clear.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)


"International Astronomy Day, May 15th 2022"
Mike's Moon observing setup.
(Photo - Mike Morrow)


"International Astronomy Day, May 15th 2022"
The clouds manages to clear for just a few minutes to allow allow some visitors to get a glimpse of the Moon, on a display screen.
(Photo - Garry Dymond)

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